Formula 1

Saudi Arabia circuit to undergo minor changes due to safety concerns

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The race organizers for the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix have announced that they are planning to make some small changes to the circuit, after concerns were raised about the track’s safety.

The street circuit in Jeddah made its debut on the calendar last year and has proved to a popular addition with the drivers and spectators.

However, potential issues were raised about the track’s limited visibility around some of the corners because of the nature of some of the barriers.

It could mean that through some of the fast sections, drivers approaching at speed would be unable to see far enough ahead of them if an incident had occurred.

While some of the established Formula One street circuits twist through city streets and around buildings, Jeddah’s circuit was a purpose-built track that was created solely for the Grand Prix.

In the build-up to the race, the track’s promoters had labelled it the ‘world’s fastest street circuit’, and this certainly proved to be the case, with the cars reaching average speeds of over 160mph.

With the increased speed, there is always a risk element, and even more so on a street circuit.

Because of the safety concerns raised after last year’s race, the organizers have stepped in to address them.

Martin Whitaker, the race’s CEO, spoke about the developments and what they were hoping to do to the circuit.

“We have been striving to improve on some areas for our second event. Firstly, there are going to be one or two slight changes to the track.

“These tweaks are directly related to a drivers’ sight-line from the cockpit. It’s minimal work, but it will help improve forward visibility in a couple of corners.

“Secondly, we will make some small modifications to the barriers that will favor the lines the drivers take around the course.”

The race at Jeddah is the second event on this year’s calendar and is due to take place on March 27, 2022.

Kirk Miller
Kirk is a lifelong follower of all motorsports, particularly Formula 1, Nascar and WRC. When not found at the side of the circuit, eyes stinging from the burnt rubber, he also covers tennis, eSports and other categories for us.
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