Members of the Oxford University boat crew carry their boat to the water
The Oxford-Cambridge boat race is less than half an hour away and the former have won the first big moment of the day – the coin toss.
Oxford president Alex Davidson won the coin toss and opted for the Surrey station in today’s prestigious race, and following the toss they are odds-on favourites. The race is being streamed live on the BBC website.
Cambridge will have the inside line at the start of the race. Today’s race umpire is legendary Olympian Matthew Pinsent, and he is hoping that there are no eyes on him at the conclusion of this race.Pinsent said: “It’s true, the best official is the one you never see. What I really hope happens is nobody notices me. It would be nice if at the end of the race maybe one of my colleagues on the umpiring panel says ‘well done’, and then I can slip to the bar for a stiff drink and that will be the end of it.
“I umpired all four of the races at Eton Dorney last Sunday and didn’t have to do a thing. Nobody even knew I was there.”